Document Management Solutions
Contact Us: (972) 446-3671

Case Studies

 Property and Casualty Insurance Company

A property and casualty insurance company turned to DMP BPO for help after realizing their new policy administration system designed to modernize their existing policy rating, issuance, and administration processes was inefficient in producing ready output. DMP BPO’s team mapped the raw data in their forms library to various forms and integrated the implementation into our ADEPT system. This customer was surprised with DMP BPO’s speed of implementation and the ADEPT system’s output.

Health Insurance Company

A health insurance company was faced with employing twelve associates to review, segregate, staple, insert, and mail their insurance policy documents. DMP BPO’s team of professionals redesigned our client’s policy book with a higher presentation value, lower costs, and improved workflow with better quality control processes than when the customer performed the work internally. DMP BPO turn converted operation efficiencies.

Presort Savings

One of our sales people approached a large print service provider for presort business. In reviewing the prospect’s mail, the salesperson identified a large number of First Class Flats mailed at full rate. The aspect ration of the mail pieces prevented them from qualifying for the USPS presort rates, resulting in higher postage expense. DMP BPO recommended redesigning the mail piece and its envelop to achieve substantial postal discounts by preparing the mail as automated First Class Flat Presort. The contents of the mail piece and the envelope were increased slighting to insure the finished mail piece met all USPS automating requirements for First Class Flat Presort.  The redesigned mail piece was presented to the USPS Business Mailing Requirements Department for review and was approved as meeting these automation requirements. By managing the mail piece redesign, DMP BPO demonstrated to the client the value of both our experience with Postal regulations and our close working relationship with the USPS personnel for review and approval.

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1601 Wallace Drive, Suite 120 Carrollton, Texas 75006 Phone: 972-446-3671 Fax: 972-242-6880 Email: Follow us:PCI Compliant
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